Streamline Your Property Management with Doorkeep's Intuitive Design Updates

Thursday, 03/28/2024 Andy Peters
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Are you a property manager drowning in a sea of tenant communications? Constantly switching between apps and platforms just to keep up with your daily tasks? Say hello to Doorkeep – the property management software built specifically for you, designed to simplify your life and streamline your communications.

[Insert an eye-catching header image or hero shot of the Doorkeep application interface, showcasing its user-friendly design and key features. This visual will immediately grab the reader’s attention and give them a glimpse of what the software looks like.]

Doorkeep has been a game-changer in the property management industry, providing a centralized platform for handling all your tenant communications, from SMS text messaging and phone call management to email services. But we didn’t stop there. We listened to your feedback and took our application to the next level with a major design overhaul that puts your needs front and center.

Our commitment to improving user experience and efficiency in property management communications shines through in every aspect of the new design. From the inbox-centric layout to the enhanced sorting and filtering options, Doorkeep is now more intuitive and user-friendly than ever before. Inbox Optimization

One of the most significant updates in Doorkeep’s design overhaul is the transition to an inbox-centric layout. Taking cues from familiar mail and help desk applications, we’ve made it easier than ever to sort and filter your conversations. The new sidebar offers enhanced filtering options, allowing you to navigate through your tenant communications with ease.

[Insert a screenshot or GIF showcasing the new inbox layout and sidebar, highlighting the improved sorting and filtering options. This visual aid will help readers understand the new features and how they can benefit their workflow.]

With the updated sorting features, you can now arrange your conversations by name or date, ensuring you always have the most relevant information at your fingertips. The comprehensive filtering options, such as “Needs Attention,” “Assigned Conversations,” and more, enable you to focus on priority tasks and never miss an important message.

[Insert an infographic or visual representation of the key benefits of using Doorkeep for property management, such as saving time, improving tenant satisfaction, and streamlining communication processes. This makes the information more digestible and engaging for readers.]

So, whether you’re managing a handful of properties or an extensive portfolio, Doorkeep is here to make your life easier. Join the countless property managers who have already discovered the power of our purpose-built software and experience the difference for yourself.

Let’s dive into the exciting updates we’ve made to Doorkeep and explore how they can improve your property management experience.

New Features
Phone Calls

Starting at $45/month

Pay annually and save. Cancel anytime.