Shared inbox built for property management

Communication with so many different people is at the core of property management. Transform you and your team into a customer service powerhouse with a shared inbox and a Doorkeep phone number.

Tenant conversation

Designed to be multi-user and scale as you do from the start

Collaborate on communications

Designed from the ground up for multiple users to work together on one communication for one phone number. Whether is fielding incoming phone calls, answering voicemails or responding to text messages, everyone has a seat the table.

Invite users to your team
Assign a user on your team to each property so they will be the first to receive calls.
Remove the users anytime
We'll dial everyone on your account who is configured to receive a given contact's call at the same time. The first user to answer, receives the call.
Retain communication history
Keep their communication history, even when no longer on your team.
Advanced call forwarding with your tenants in mind
Notifications and activity for your teams communication history

Have a record of all changes and notifications sent to your team. transparency

Notifications and Activity

Your inbox gives you visibility in changes made to a contact by anyone on your team, conversation activity and all the notifications sent to team members.

"Did you get the email reminder?"
Keep your voicemails centralized in one place, organized by your properties, tenants, vendors and more.
"Who changed the tenant's phone number?"
Have a recorded voicemail in .mp3 format ready to go? Upload it and we'll play as your voicemail message.
Keep a record of everything.
All activity and notification history are stored safely for your property communication records.

Be data informed about your property related communication

Reports for communications

Get high-level insight into phone call volume, text messaging volume, phone call durations, and even narrowing that down to each property to help you identify problems and adapt to trends.

Text messaging reports.
Configure three call choices how you'd like them. Choose between routing a selection to a team member, voicemail, ring anyone available, or an external line such as a landline.
Missed and completed calls reports.
Give your tenants, owners, and vendors call priority and let them to skip the call menu.
Property based communication summaries.
How many phone calls are we receiving for a given property? How many text messages? Every report allows you to see how each property is performing.
Call reporting

A shared inbox designed around properties and property management.

Get full visibility into who answered a tenant phone call, missed a call or who sent what text message with the shared inbox.

Conversation assignments.
Conversations with your contacts are assigned to users automatically so you always know who should be following up with who. Conversations can be reassigned anytime.
Internal comments.
Leave private internal comments on conversations so you and the rest of the team know you've talked with someone personally or a asking for help from another team member.
Communication history.
Ensure you have a record of your conversations. Your inbox will keep track of who called what tenant, who missed the the call, who sent the text messages and more.
Conversation activity.
Your inbox gives you visibility in changes made to a contact by anyone on your team, conversation activity associated, messages and more.
Contact and property activity.
Doorkeep keeps track of changes made to a contact, property or communication settings by anyone on your team so you can always know who changed what.
Notification history.
We keep a paper trail of notifications sent to team members for full transparency across your team. No more mystery of "did you get the email reminder".

Purpose built communication software for property management

Make and receive phone calls

Call anyone on your contact list from your Doorkeep phone number. Receive incoming phone calls from the app or your mobile phone.

Voicemails and call recording

Record, manage, listen, and share all tenant, owner, prospects and any other contact's voicemails and recorded phone calls.

Advanced call routing

Any incoming call from your Doorkeep contacts will be forwarded to the cell phone or directly in the app of members of your team.

Schedule text message delivery

Write a text message response to a contact and schedule it to be delivered at a later day and time.

Shared Replies

Create responses for common questions so anyone on the team can use them to respond to text messages.

Auto replies

Let Doorkeep automatically reply to contacts when a phone call is missed or a text message was received.

Property based reporting

Gain insights about each property's the phone calls and text message trends.

Priority calling notifications

Assign a property manager(s) and that user will be the first to receive phone calls and text message notifications from tenants in their assigned property.

Property wide text messages

Send one text message to a property and let Doorkeep route it to each tenant individually.

Call Menu

Design an ideal call menu system for incoming calls for all of your contacts. Optionally allow tenants to skip the menu and send them directly to their property manager.

Forward calls based on contacts

Calls from vendors, owners and anyone else not a tenant can be easily setup to be forwarded to specific users on your team.

Notification and activity review

Easily see who's been reminded and what communication related notifications have been sent to members of the team.

Starting at $$26/month

Pay annually and save. Cancel anytime.